Sylvester Community Advisory Committee (CAC) engages key community stakeholders and leaders in continuous bi-directional meaningful dialogue that serves as a building block to long-lasting, impactful relationships and collaborations in our catchment area.
Meeting Information
Our committee convenes every quarter, offering the flexibility of both in-person and virtual meetings for your convenience.
Become a member today by completing the SCCC Community Advisory Committee Membership Form.
Meeting Minutes
Stay informed and engaged with our Meeting Minutes Archive, regularly updated with summaries from past meetings.
8:30 a.m. – 8:40 a.m.
Introductions and Statement of Recording and Review and approval of meeting minutes
- Valerie Bethel, PhD, MBA/HCM, BSW called meeting to order 8:35 a.m.
- Introductions of members present at the meeting- 42 present
Name | Organization |
Sandrah Chalmers | Behavioral & Community-Based Research Shared Resource |
Nicolle Acuna | SCCC |
Pascale Auguste | Health Education Prevention & Promotion Inc |
Jouveline Belizaire | SCCC |
Seth Berkowitz | The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society |
Gerard Berrouet | SCCC |
Valerie Bethel | SCCC |
Shaun Brothers | SCCC |
Amber Browder | SCCC |
Katherine Chung-Bridges | Health Choice Network |
Shemir Dauphin | SCCC |
Tanya Desdunes | Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator |
Sam Detrick | ZERO Prostate Cancer |
Suze Diogene | SCCC |
Corinne Ferrari | SCCC |
Daniela Flores Quetant | SCCC |
Nadyne Fundora | Florida Health Miami Dade County |
Sophia George | SCCC |
Patrick Glover | Lion Gold Order |
Neha Goel | SCCC |
Orlando Gonzales | SAVE Foundation |
Dorothy, Graves | SCCC |
George Grills | SCCC |
Emma Herbach | SCCC |
Jasmine Jackson | SCCC |
Hirut Kassaye | Health Choice Network |
Alison Kerr | FDOH- Monroe |
Erin Kobetz | SCCC |
Antonia, Leavitt | SCCC |
Katherine, Martinez | Camillus House |
Lluis Morey | SCCC |
Stephen Nimer | SCCC |
Frank Penedo | SCCC |
Jacques Pierre-Louis | SCCC |
Jonathan Trent | SCCC |
Janae Turner | Break the Cycle |
Ramiro Verdun | SCCC |
Scott Welford | SCCC |
Cassandra White | SCCC |
Rachelle Theodore | CLT Business Solutions LLC |
Wael El Rifai | SCCC |
Tracey Crane | SCCC |
8:40 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
CAC Updates
Dr. Bethel introduced the CAC co- chair Rachelle Theodore, MBA, MPH, CSSBB Chief Executive Officer, CLT Business Solutions, LLC.
She also introduced other CAC members appointed to other Sylvester Committees
- DEI Council- Tanya Desdunes, Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator
- IFP- Pascale Auguste, Health Education Prevention & Promotion, Inc. (HEPP)
- CELC-Janae Turner, Break the Cycle Inc.
8:45 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
SCCC Strategic Plan
- Dr. Nimer discussed the strategic plan process including the goals, metrics and strategy. The CAC members provided feedback via Slido questions for the goals for strategic plans for CY2024-2028. See attached for Slido results.
9:15 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
Community Health Needs Assessment Summit Summary
- Tamia Medina shared updated from the Community Health Needs Assessment Summit and provided updates on the CHNA implementation plan for the next 3 years.
9:35 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
Listening Sessions Updates
- Emma Herbach provided an update on the listening sessions that were conducted in the Spring.
9:25 a.m. – 9:35 a.m.
Committee Member Updates
- Seth Berkowitz from Leukemia & Lymphoma Society shared about the conference on Florida Blood Cancer Conference on January 20th and National Virtual Blood Cancer Conference on September 9th. Lorena will be focusing on South Florida to have a better reach on the Hispanic and Latinx- Spanish speaking communities.
- Tanya from Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator shared about their events in the following weeks. They will have an artist in residence from Belize for the month of August. They will also be hosting Ronnie Corpos at the Besty Hotel from August 21st to Sept 5th. As well in September will have Caribbean Tea with speakers from University of Miami.
- Orlando Gonzales from Save Foundation shared about the development of a LGBTQ community needs assessment. Will share the results of the assessment with the committee when its ready.
- Pascale August from Health Education Prevention & Promotion Inc shared on the different collaborations the organization to provide education to the community. Also, working on diabetes education in Miami Gardens community.
- Janae Turner from Break the Cycle shared updates from their summer program.
9:35 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.
Meeting Adjournment
Action Items | Responsible Party | Due |
Survey Monkey Link to CAC members for feedback for 2024 meeting times | Daniela | 10/01/2023 |
Newsletter to be sent in September | Jouveline | 09/01/2023 |
8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Introductions and Statement of Recording and Review and approval of meeting minutes
- Valerie Bethel, PhD, MBA/HCM, BSW called meeting to order 8:35 a.m.
- Introductions of members present at the meeting- 38 present
Name | Organization |
Georgette Valls-delgado | American Cancer Society |
Sandrah Chalmers | BCSR |
Katherine Martinez | Camillus House |
Rachelle Theodore | CLT Business Solutions |
Tanya Desdunes | Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator |
Alison Kerr | DOH-Monroe |
Nadyne Fundora | Florida Health Department |
Katherine Chung-Bridges | Health Choice Network |
Daniel Parras | Health Choice Network |
Pascale Auguste | Health Education Prevention & Promotion |
Deborah Pulido | Leukemia& Lymphoma Society |
Patrick Glover | Lion Order Gold |
Tamia Medina | UM |
Valerie Bethel | UM SCCC |
Daniela Flores Quetant | UM SCCC |
Stephen Nimer | UM SCCC |
Emma Herbach | UM SCCC |
Wael El-Rifai | UM SCCC |
Sophia George | UM SCCC |
Corinne Ferrari | UM SCCC |
Shemir Dauphin | UM SCCC |
Dorothy Graves | UM SCCC |
Cynthia Beaver | UM SCCC |
Nancy Elliot | UM SCCC |
Jouveline Belizaire | UM SCCC |
Nicolle Acuna | UM SCCC |
Racheal Rodriguez | UM SCCC |
Yarisleivy Silva Acosta | UM SCCC |
Sandy Rosende | UM SCCC |
Valentine Cesar | UM SCCC |
Jessica MacIntrye | UM SCCC |
Frank Penedo | UM SCCC |
Tracy Crane | UM SCCC |
Gerard Berrouet | UM SCCC |
Suze Diogene | UM SCCC |
Damian Cohen | UM SCCC- PFAC |
Tiffany Albury | UM SCCC/ SFCCC-HCF |
Erin Kobetz | University of Miami |
8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Opening Remarks
Dr. Bethel ntroduced the CAC co- chair Rachelle Theodore, MBA, MPH, CSSBB Chief Executive Officer, CLT Business Solutions, LLC.
- Drafted our next Strategic Plan (2024-2028)
- Submitted our CCSG grant on September 21, 2023. This grant shares the growth of our cancer center since NCI designation in 2019. It outlines:
- The creation of our fourth research program (Translational and Clinical Oncology) which will help further facilitate research from the bench to the bedside.
- Our priority cancers (developed in collaboration with our CAC)
- Our increase in NCI and other peer reviewed funding
- Our enrollment of patients to clinical trials
- Launched the newsletter
- Representation of CAC on 4 committees including PRMC, CELC, IFP, & DEI Council
9:00 a.m. – 9:05 a.m.
CAC Updates
- Rachelle shared the CAC Bylaws with the committee. CAC Bylaws will be added to website.
9:05 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Presentation (Project 33136 Update)
- Tiffany shared update the CAC on Project 33136. Cohort 1 consists of the 3 team projects. The goal of Project 33136 is to ensure that the community organizations are paired with a faculty member at UM to complete a data driven research project that focuses on addressing health disparities and health equity. Call proposals for Cohort 2 will be made in the next year.
9:15 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.
Committee Member Feedback
- Slido Results Attached
- 18 responses.
- What would the CAC look like in two years?
- 10 responses
- What are the priority projects for the community that would be inclusive of older adults, women, children and people with a disability?
- 15 responses
- How can here be alignment with the services/resources that are available from SCCC?
- 5 responses
- What kind of subcommittees would you be interested in forming?
- 8 responses
- What are specific members or partners that should have a seat at the table?
- 12 responses
- Accrual of black participants to clinical trials
9:40 a.m. – 9:55 a.m.
Committee Member Updates
- Rachelle Theodore shared about her experience at CCCIF in September.
- Tanya Desdunes shared about the community events that celebrate local artists from Caribbean background. Events can be found on their website,
- SOOE will be hosting a resource fair at Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church on 01/27/2024. More information to follow.
9:55 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Adjournment
2024 Meeting Dates
- February 20th – 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
- May 8th – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- August 7th – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- November 6th- 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Action Items | Responsible Party | Due |
Identify CAC members to participate in training for Clinical Research Coordinators to better understand challenges/barriers of community members participation in clinical trial opportunities | Dr. Kobetz/Valerie/Daniela | |
Create online/interactive community resource guide | COE Team | |
Invite the suggested members from Slido to the next CAC meeting | Daniela/Valerie | 02/20/2024 |
Create subcommittees based on CAC feedback | Rachelle/Valerie 02/ | 02/20/2024 |
Table of contents
What would the CAC look like in two years?
- Each meeting wouldn’t start with long introductions because committee members know each other and have active partnerships outside these meetings. We introduce new members and connect them with the work we are doing.
- Potential governmental connections? For sdoh boards?
- More workshops on genetic understanding, biomarkers
- agenda more driven by community
- CAC members know each other by name. Regular collaboration. Comfortable in relaying messages and ideas to collaborate on an ongoing basis
- More in depth and continuous collaboration with specific SCCC projects.
- Smaller sub-groups that are actively participating in ongoing and developing research trials.
- We should have faith based leaders
- Different subcomittes with specific goals so we can measure our success and find areas of opportunities
- A robust and unique non traditional mix of community and academic representatives
What are the priority projects for the community that would be inclusive of older adults, women, children, and people with disabilities?
How can there be alignment with the services/resources that are available from SCCC?
What kind of subcommittees would would you be interested in forming?
What are specific members or partners that should have a seat at the table?
Accrual of black participants to clinical trials
11:00 a.m.- 11:01 a.m.
Welcome and Statement of Recording
Valerie Bethel, PhD, MBA/HCM, BSW
67 present (49 virtual, 18 in person)
- Names and organization below
11:00 a.m.- 11:10 a.m.
Opening Remarks
Stephen D. Nimer, M.D
Erin Kobetz, PhD, MPH
The cancer center was recently evaluated by the National Cancer Institute. The evaluation covers research programs, community outreach, education, and training activities, with the expectation of receiving the score by March 1. The core values of the cancer center were emphasized during the evaluation, including teamwork, pursuit of excellence, community engagement, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
11:10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
New Member Introductions
Introductions of new members present at the meeting.
11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Social Justice Theatre
Jessica Bashline
Presented the concept of using theater for social justice and social change, particularly in public health and community outreach. The approach involves participatory street theater and storytelling to address barriers to participation in clinical trials and medical mistrust.
11:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Presentation- GO2 for Lung Cancer
Shanada Monestime PharmD, BCOP
Presented the 'Ready Lung' initiative, focusing on addressing lung cancer disparities in African American communities. The initiative aims to understand the readiness of African American communities to address lung cancer disparities across the continuum of care.
11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Future of CAC
Rachelle Theodore, MBA, MPH, CSSBB
Discussions were held on creating new stakeholders in the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and correlating survey results to align with community goals.
- The focus was on identifying key initiatives and opportunities that would benefit the community over the next five years.
- Suggestions on making the agenda more community-driven, with community members directly involved in setting the agenda.
- Suggestion to involve more representatives from the clergy, disability advocates, local business owners, and transportation entities to help share ideas and collaborate with.
- Importance of hearing from patients navigating illnesses in real-time to identify gaps and disparities in accessing care.
- The impact of survivor feedback in understanding the challenges faced by patients and improving community resources.
- Establishment of subcommittees for community outreach and education, survivorship and wellness, research, and membership and connection.
- Development of a timeline for drafting a work plan, measuring outcomes, and monitoring and evaluating success.
12:30 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Presentation- Structural Racism in Cancer Care Settings Pilot Study
Emma Herbach PhD, MS
Amanda Rivera, MD
Samantha McCoy
Introduced a pilot study was to characterize the cancer care journey of impacted populations and develop patient-driven recommendations to address structural racism and inequality.
12:45 p.m. – 12:55 p.m.
New RFP for Health Foundation Grant
Tiffany Albury, MPH
Introduced new request for proposals (RFP) for data-driven projects addressing health and social issues in underserved areas of Miami
12:55 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Committee Member Updates
Valerie Bethel, PhD, MBA/HCM, BSW
CAC Members
- Members were asked to share via email their community updates.
1:00 p.m. Adjournment
- May 8th – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- August 7th – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- November 6th- 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Action Items | Responsible Party | Due |
Social Justice Theater-Further discuss ideas for collaboration and project with SCCC strategic goals and CAC vision | Jessica Bashline, interested CAC members, Erin Kobetz, Valerie Bethel | 4/2024 |
GO2 for Lung Cancer-Establishment of possible suggested locations for fun explore opportunities for SCCC to collaborate on lung cancer screenings. | Valerie Bethel, Erin Kobetz, Antonia Levitt, Shanada Monestine | 4/2024 |
Establishment of subcommittees for community outreach and education, survivorship and wellness, research and clinical trials, membership and connection. | Valerie Bethel, Rachelle Theodore, Steven Nimer, Erin Kobetz, Brandon Mahal | 3/2024 |
Development of a timeline for drafting a work plan, measuring outcomes, and monitoring and evaluating success. | Valerie Bethel, Rachelle Theodore, Steven Nimer, Erin Kobetz, Brandon Mahal | 3/2024 |
Structural Racism in Cancer Care Settings Pilot Study-Committee members to share study participant suggestions with Emma and the study team via the QR code or email | Emma Herbach, Amanda Rivera, Samantha McCoy | 3/2024 |
Name | Organization |
Tiffany Albury | SCCC |
Pascale Auguste | Health Education Prevention & Promotion Inc |
Lenise Banwarie | Florida Department of Health |
Jessica Bashline | UM |
Sara Batrony | SB Pro Writing Services |
Jouveline Belizaire | SCCC |
Seth Berkowitz | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society |
Valerie Bethel | SCCC |
Gail Brown | MSMC CCC |
Mateo Bruer | Aqua Foundation for Women |
Olveen Carrasquillo | UM |
Sandrah Chalmers | SCCC |
Katherine Chung-Bridges | Health Choice Network |
Shemir Dauphin | SCCC |
Vaughn Edelson | SCCC |
Nancy Elliott | SCCC |
Wael El-Rifai | SCCC |
Lizzy Endemano | Health Choice Network, Inc |
David Eugene | Haitian Evangelical Baptist Chuch of Miami |
Marianne Finizio | Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) |
Daniela Flores Quetant | SCCC |
Danielle Gabuzda | UM- Medical Student |
Sophia George | SCCC |
Patrick Glover | Lion Order Gold LLC |
Yvette Gonzalez | Fl Dept of Health Broward |
Dorothy Graves | SCCC |
George Grills | SCCC |
Emma Herbach | SCCC |
Talia Hunter | Coral Springs Parkland Fire Department |
Jasmine Jackson | SCCC |
Johana Jimenez | BG Integrative Studio |
Thomasena Johnson- Hudson | FDOH- Broward |
Josette Josue | Haitian Neighborhood Center/SantLa |
Erin Kobetz | SCCC |
Antonia Leavitt | SCCC |
Jessica MacIntyre | SCCC |
Brandon Mahal | SCCC |
Samantha Mccoy | The Pride Center |
Tamia Medina | UHealth |
Talli Menchion | Early Steps |
Nipun Merchant | SCCC |
Kahli Merck | Gildas Club South Florida |
Shanada Monestime | GO2 for Lung Cancer |
Beverly Montgomery | Southernmost Coast Early Steps |
Stephen Nimer | SCCC |
Dr. Tyrina Phillips | The Lord's Place |
Deborah Pulido | Leukemia & Lymphoma Society |
Amanda Rivera | SCCC |
Tamara Rodriguez | Island TV |
Angelica Rueda | CTSI |
Fritz Saint-Germain | SCCC |
Candice Schottenloher | Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County |
Khamai Simpson | SCCC |
Evelyne Sylvain | Sant La |
Rachelle Theodore | CLT Business Solutions, LLC. |
Christella Therency | FDOH- Broward |
Ysdaly Thielen | BG Integrative Studio |
Richard Thurer | SCCC |
Danna Torres | Guatemalan-Maya Center |
Jonathan Trent | SCCC |
Kim Truong-Vu | SCCC |
Janae Turner | Break The Cycle |
Georgette Valls-Delgado | American Cancer Society |
Ramiro Verdun | SCCC/UM |
Scott Welford | SCCC |
Cassandra White | SCCC |
Lauren Whitmore | SCCC |