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High School, Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Students

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Sylvester’s Office of Education and Training sponsors programs and partners with University research programs to increase cancer research career exploration opportunities for high school students and college undergraduates.

High School Students

High school volunteer opportunities take place only during the summer months.  Applications are now closed for 2024.  Applications in the VSysOne system will open in February/March 2025 for summer 2025.

High School students who wish to pursue a volunteer research opportunity in a Sylvester member lab during the summer, must be at least 16 years of age at the time of their application and a US citizen or permanent resident. Please review the list of Sylvester Research Programs to gain a better understanding of Sylvester’s strengths and priorities.

Within each program you will find a list of the faculty who are conducting research according to that program’s mission.  Students will need to identify a faculty member within a research program willing to work with them.  Once a mentor is identified, the onboarding process is done via the online VSysOne - volunteer management system.

Please contact the Office of Education and Training at with any questions and to notify the office once your placement is finalized.


The Joint Academic Nurtureship for Underrepresented Students (JANUS): A Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Initiative provides STEM mentorship and an immersive research experience for Black University of Miami undergraduates, as well as local public high school students. To learn more please visit the JANUS Program website.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

The SURF program is an intensive, paid, ten-week research training experience designed for college students, especially minority and other underrepresented students, interested in biomedical science careers. SURF students participate in seminars and workshops focused on strategies for gaining acceptance to graduate school, giving scientific presentations, conducting responsible research, and critically reading scientific literature. Meritorious applicants interested in cancer research are selected and matched with Sylvester investigators working on team-based, catchment area-relevant cancer projects. Cancer-specific education is provided through interactive sessions and hands-on research training in wet or dry laboratories.  To learn more, please click on 

Comprehensive Research Experiences to Advance Training and Education (CREATE) for Future Cancer Researchers

The Comprehensive Research Experiences to Advance Training and Education (CREATE) program is an expansion of the existing 10-week SURF program, made possible by an R25 grant from the National Cancer Institute. Rising juniors and seniors with an interest in cancer biology will have the opportunity to experience mentored research in the labs of world-class faculty, as well as the extensive technological, clinical and educational resources at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Through academic development and mentoring, CREATE scholars will access a roadmap of the most cutting-edge tools and concepts in oncology.

We will provide a stipend and housing on our Coral Gables campus for all CREATE scholars.

For more information, please email or visit the CREATE program page.

Diversity in Cancer Research Internship Program

The Diversity in Cancer Research (DICR) Internship Program recruits motivated undergraduate students from Florida academic institutions for a 10-week summer intensive and year-round mentoring and career development activities. During the summer, DICR students will be immersed in hands-on, innovative biomedical research, clinical shadowing, career development sessions, and networking events with exceptional faculty members from Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Stipend and housing will be provided. Applicants must be from a racial/ethnic group that is underrepresented in science. There is no citizenship requirement for this program.

For more information, please email or visit the DICR program page.

Diversity in Cancer Research Post–Baccalaureate Fellows Program

The Diversity in Cancer Research (DICR) Post-Baccalaureate Fellows Program recruits motivated post-baccalaureate fellows for a two-year program designed to provide recent graduates with extensive cancer research experience.  The DICR Post - Baccalaureate program offers a unique opportunity for recent graduates to receive comprehensive “bench-to-bedside” cancer research experience with mentoring networks, educational training programs, and career development, that will broadly prepare them for entry into oncology research careers.

Stipend and benefits will be provided. Applicants must be from a racial/ethnic group that is underrepresented in science. There is no citizenship requirement for this program.

For more information, please email or visit the DICR Post-Baccalaureate program page. 

Placements with Sylvester Researchers through the Office of Undergraduate Research

University of Miami undergraduates looking for a lab placement in cancer research or related scientific research are encouraged to contact UM’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Community Outreach.  The Sylvester’s Office of Education and Training will then facilitate a placement with the appropriate Sylvester researcher based on the application information submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Research, which can be reached at (305) 284-5058 or email