Fluorescence flow cytometry analysis and Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting
The FCSR provides access to sophisticated flow cytometric analyzers and cell sorters to facilitate a wide range of experiments in the biology of both normal and cancer cells. The cell analyzers can provide simultaneous analysis of up to 40 different fluorescent parameters with up to three light-scatter parameters for the identification and classification of both cell surface and intracellular antigens. The cell sorters can provide simultaneous analysis on 40+ fluorescent parameters with two light-scatter parameters and can sort up to 6 pure populations simultaneously. The facility enables a wide variety of experiment analysis including:
- Complex 40+ fluorescent parameter spectral analysis.
- Up to 28 fluorescent parameter conventional flow cytometry analysis.
- Complex 40+ fluorescent parameter cell sorting for isolation of pure populations.
- High speed (10,000 – 30,000 cells per second) and efficiency (95%+ purity) cell sorting capabilities for single-cell cloning, RNA/DNA extractions, protein purification, etc.
- Flow Cytometry applications include immunophenotyping, assessment of apoptosis, molecular cytogenetics, cell function studies, microbiological applications, multiplexed and microparticle-based analysis (bead-based ELISA).
Mass cytometry analysis and imaging
- Standard BioTools Helios plasma mass cytometer. Cells are labeled with antibodies conjugated to heavy metal markers, vaporized in a plasma and detected with time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
- Standard BioTools Hyperion solid tissue imager. The Hyperion provides simultaneous imaging of labeled solid tissue sections, for mass cytometry analysis.
- Metal tagged reagents, custom conjugation, and slide staining services. The FCSR provides a custom metal-conjugation service and maintains a bank of human and mouse reagents and metal conjugation kits available for purchase at cost. The bank has aliquots of human and mouse antibodies, as well as 35 unique labeling metals, which the FCSR can utilize to create custom reagents for users or for the users to use on their own. The FCSR also provides slide staining services to support imaging mass cytometry studies. Please contact the FCSR for additional information and pricing.
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy and Super Resolution Imaging
- Zeiss LSM 980 confocal microscope with Airyscan 2. The LSM 980 provides confocal optical sectioning of fixed or live samples, with full environmental control (CO2 and temperature) for time-lapse imaging. The system utilizes an AI-mediated sample finder, and can accommodate carriers including slides, chambered slides, multi-well plates, and Petri dishes for multi-position imaging. It is also capable of wide-field imaging using an LED light source, transmitted light imaging, spectral unmixing, tile-scanning, and has an Airyscan 2 super resolution module for 120 nm resolution (down to 90 nm resolution with deconvolution). This microscope is available for both assisted and independent (trained) use.
Additional Services
- Education and training, including training courses and hands-on training on instruments and analysis software.
- Data analysis services and access to data analysis software.